In June we helped with the commencement ceremony of the OHSU-PSU1 School of Public Health. Planning a convocation event for a prestigious professional school, especially one with a joint program shared across two state universities, poses several workloads, to name a few:
- Gathering the data from eligible graduates about whether or not they would participate in the event, as well as registering their guests
- Ensuring graduates’ names and pronunciations were collected in advance so University leadership could correctly recognize them from the stage
- Ordering regalia (caps, gowns, and hoods) for the academic staff, as well as graduates in proper colors and sizes
Add these tasks to the normal work of event planning — catering, room and stage layouts, seating charts, rehearsals, scheduling, and collecting materials from speakers — and you have a daunting pile of to-dos that would make even the most skilled Dean or Student Services Director look for outside assistance. That’s where we came in.

We were happy to help the School of Public Health on this special day so staff and students could just relax. And we would be happy to help you with your academic ceremony or educational conference, just ask!

- Oregon Health Sciences University-Portland State University ↩︎