How “Bling’s the Thing” turned out – Bravo Wedding Affair 2009

So tired after today, but had to post at least one little peek at the magic we created.  Thanks to Royce's Prop Shop, Event Floral, The Bridal Loft, and all who made the room a success.  The entire Bravo! Wedding Affair was the best one I've ever seen.  I enjoyed every room.  More soon!

bling wedding EJP Events portland bravo

And here's another mosaic (Thanks!) from the entire event.  Every room was amazing. I was sad to see it all taken down.

bravo wedding affair 2009

For a complete listing of all who participated, see here. Thanks again Bravo!

EDIT: Just realized that Flickr makes really easy slideshows. Let's see if this works: 

To see descriptions of each picture in the slideshow, please go to our Flickr set.